stella amp

By John, 5 November, 2011

[Backstory: Over on the Cigar Box Nation forums, one of the guys asked where he could buy radial volume labels for an amp he built. This is a slightly edited version of my reply to him.]

Why buy some when it's easy enough to make your own? You don't have to be good at graphics, you just have to know what to do.

Download Inkscape (you probably want the Windows installer) and install it on your machine.

By John, 31 October, 2011

Way back in the mists of time, Petey helped me beta test my kit and helped smooth out the rough edges with the instructions. I asked him to write up his results on the forum, and he did. Now that the forums are no longer in beta, I can give a link to his great build documentation! I love where he put the knobs, right on the front where the speaker is.

By John, 29 October, 2011

I was floored this morning when I opened up my e-mail and saw this 3D printed Stella amp enclosure! Check out those knobs!

A 3D printed Stella amp enclosure

Thanks Eli! Here is what he had to say about the enclosure and the build process:

By John, 24 August, 2011

I've been building one of my Stella Amps into a cigar box. I've been taking pictures the whole time, and some day I'll collect them all to one post. But for now I'll post what i just finished up.

Here in this pic you can see the knobs I just put on, and the new hinges. The old hinges were push-in cheap shiny brass and they fell apart pretty quick. (My kids might have had something to do with that.)