
By John, 14 January, 2022

Me, waking up with a sense of needing to do something today: Hello?

My internal voice: Hello.

Me: Uh. What's happening today? 

Voice: Pandemic.

Me: Yeah, right, Pandemic. That's not nearly specific enough. Do I have to get anything done? Are there deadlines? Should I be panicking? What's the metanarrative?

Voice: I don't know yet, I'm still waking up myself. 

Me: ... You're helpful. 

Voice: *shrugs*


By John, 5 October, 2021

This story takes place in a Target parking lot. This particular Target is always busy (at least it was back then), and the parking lot, well I was going to try to draw what the parking lot looked like but then I realized I could just take a screenshot from Google Maps: 

So as you can see, the parking lot is shaped like a large oval, with the short end tucking between the Target on one side and the J.C. Penney's on the other side.